Blog - Pomegranates and Stories

New year resolutions

Can't believe it's 2016 ..I mean, where did this 2015 go? Can we just slow down a little bit?!new year resolutionsI'm getting old but I feel the same really it's just the knowledge that years are passing and wrinkles are threatening. I have a few things I want to achieve this year and hopefully I'll be more organised than the last one. Here are my 2016 resolutions:

  1. Visit 3 new countries
  2. Start a second photo project 52 (a photo session a week) - this needs to be planned in advance
  3. Same as 2 but for blog posts
  4. Drink more water - at least 2l/day
  5. Get fit - gym at least 2 times a week - Year goal: manage to fit in boots by next winter.
  6. Run 2 races for charity :)
  7. Read (most likely listen to) > 40 books (bookmark best/worst bits and write short reviews/opinion/quote posts about them)
  8. Shoot some new models (with the camera) - approach at least 2 new people on Model Mayhem.
  9. Learn 2 more complex pieces on piano (classic + chart music)
  10. Be more organised - Plan week in advance

Here's another post I enjoyed about resolutions for the start of a year:New year resolutionsAlso a quick read to help you stick to your plans for the new year:3 Reasons Resolutions Fail and How to Beat the OddsHappy new year everyone! May it be filled with amazing friendships, great opportunities and happy memories you'll never want to forget! 

Thoughts, UncategorisedDiana